La Imprenta

La Imprenta

Mercaderes # 208, e/ Lamparilla y Amargura, Habana Vieja

Average price

$8.00 to $14.00 CUC


Grill, Sandwiches

Hours of operation

Every day, 11:00 - 23:00 h

Gutenberg’s printing press invention is remembered today in a remarkable establishment in Old Havana. Restored on top of the ruins of what used to be La Habanera printing house back in the 19th century, this place has been thoroughly revamped to recall printing houses of the time. Lovely smells coming out of this establishment add to the charm of La Imprenta, serving light food.  Contemporary solutions stand out in the design of this establishment decorated with metal murals, designed from typographical motifs by Espacio Cubano (Cuban Space) group. Wooden tables and seats recreated with letters and numbers, additional furniture inspired by desks or with symbolic references to printing type cases, are permanent fixtures in this facility where old equipment has been placed to show what the printing process is like and produce cards, menus and other types of support for the public.

More Information

Mercaderes # 208, e/ Lamparilla y Amargura, Habana Vieja

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